About me


Hey! Thanks for stepping by!

I’m Ettore and I’m a long-time Open Source hacker and hacktivist. I’ve been involved in the Open Source community for more than 16 years. I’ve studied CS at University, and pursued my degree at full votes with a MS in Computer Science.

I formerly was a Gentoo developer, I did lead Sabayon Linux and contributed to several FOSS projects among openSUSE, Cloud Foundry, openQA, and more that I can’t remember.

Previously I’ve worked at SUSE where I was leading the Elemental team. I am a Golang and Kubernetes enthusiast with a strong Linux background skillset. I am the LocalAI creator and maintainer.

I’m an OSS consultant, and if you need help with any of my projects you can sponsor my work on Github or contact me at digiacinto.consulting@gmail.com or consulting@localai.io.

Can find me in:

(Some of) the projects I’ve been involved in (before GPT, and not using copilots!):

Funny/side projects I’ve created

Many. Here is just a small list of what I think is the most interesting.

  • LocalAGI - 100% Local AGI with LocalAI
  • EdgeVPN - a decentralized, peer2peer VPN built on top of libp2p.
  • EdgeVPN GUI
  • luet - A novel package manager based on container images written in Go. uses SAT and QLearning algorithm behind the scenes.
  • yip - Yaml instructions processor (lightweight cloud-init alternative)
  • entities - πŸ” Declarative modern identity manager for UNIX systems in Go
  • k8s-resource-scheduler
  • golauncher - Highly extensible, customizable application launcher and window switcher written in less than 300 lines of Go.
  • poco - Portable containers as standalone executables
  • ekcp - 🌠 Ephemeral kubernetes cluster provider based on kind
  • eirini-ingress - 🚦 EiriniX ingress extension
  • img-controller - Kubernetes CRD controller to build docker images with img
  • eirini-secscanner - πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ EiriniX security scanner extension for the cf 2020 summit lab
  • go-mirror-redirector - A simple mirror redirector written in Go
  • eirini-persi-broker - EiriniX persistence broker extension
  • pkgapi - PkgAPI is a simple API that retrieves informations about package available inside Github repositories.
  • Nemesis framework - A perl framework for pentesters

Feel free to hop-by to my GH profile to see more!

(interesting) Libraries I’ve created

Projects I’ve contributed to

In many years working in the Open Source community I’ve contributed to many projects. Here is a small list of the most relevant:

LLM fine-tunes

LocalAI Functioncall

Italian LLMs


